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Youth Program Policies

Youth Participants Code of Conduct

Abuse or Mistreatment
Youth shall not abuse or mistreat staff, volunteers, or other youth in any way. Use of abusive language, obscene or profane language, including racial, religious or sexual references directed at other people will not be tolerated. It is important to treat others as you would like to be treated.
Youth shall not engage in the verbal or emotional abuse or mistreatment of other youth, staff, or volunteers.
Youth shall not engage in the physical abuse or mistreatment of other youth, staff, or volunteers.

Personal Relationships
Appropriate personal relationships between youths are encouraged. However, Cantigny Golf strongly discourages romantic relationships between youth participants. Youths are not permitted to hold hands, sit on others’ laps, use full-frontal hugs, or kiss other youth participants. There should never be, under any condition, a romantic or otherwise personal relationship between a youth participant and a staff member.

Electronic Communication
Youth participants will comply with Cantigny Golf’s policies governing the use of personal mobile communication devices (See Page 7). Youth participants are not permitted to share cell phones with other youth participants while attending the program.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco products while at Cantigny Golf is strictly prohibited. Youth will not be permitted to participate in any program while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or illicit substances. Parents or guardians will be notified as appropriate.

Weapons and items that may be considered weapons are prohibited. Anyone found to be in possession of such items will be required to leave and the items will be confiscated. This includes laser pointers. Parents or guardians will be notified as appropriate.

Violence and threats of violence will not be tolerated at Cantigny Golf/Cantigny Park, on the grounds, in facilities or during Cantigny sponsored activities and events. Staff are available to assist in the resolution of differences.

Disruptive Behavior
Inappropriate or disruptive behavior is not permitted at Cantigny Golf. This includes, but is not limited to, graffiti, littering, spitting, or throwing objects that could intentionally or unintentionally harm others or cause disorder.


Reporting Method

If there is anything you want Cantigny Golf/Cantigny Park to know about, please contact;
Your Program Instructor or Security
Magan Ascher, Dir. of Visitor Services, Cantigny Park at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 630-260-8266
Matt LaFond, Executive Director, Cantigny Park at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 630-260-8168
Emily Burns, Head Pro Youth Links, Cantigny Golf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 630-260-8276
Terry Hanley, General Manager, Cantigny Golf at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 630-260-8184

In situations where you would prefer to call or email anonymously or confidentially make a report involving child safety, you are encouraged to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 630-260-8248.

Employee and Volunteer Code of Conduct

The following conduct with youth outlines specific expectations of the staff and volunteers as we strive to accomplish our mission together.
a. Youths will be treated with respect at all times.
b. Youths will be treated appropriately regardless of race, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age or religion.
c. Staff and volunteers will adhere to uniform standards of displaying affection as outlined in this policy.
d. Staff and volunteers will avoid affection with youths that cannot be observed by others.
e. Staff and volunteers will adhere to uniform standards of appropriate and inappropriate verbal interactions as outlined in this policy.
f. Staff and volunteers will not stare at or comment on youths’ bodies.
g. Staff and volunteers will not date or become romantically involved with youths.
h. Staff and volunteers will not use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs in the presence of youths.
i. Staff and volunteers will not have sexually oriented materials, including printed or online pornography, on the Foundation’s property.
j. Staff and volunteers will not have secrets with youths and will only give gifts with prior permission.
k. Staff and volunteers will comply with the Foundation’s policies regarding interactions with youths outside of our programs.
l. Staff and volunteers will not engage in inappropriate electronic communication with youths.
m. Staff and volunteers are prohibited from working one-on-one with youths in a private setting except during private golf lessons. To the extent possible, staff and volunteers will use common areas when working with individual youths.
n. Staff and volunteers will not abuse youths in any way including (but not limited to) the
o Physical abuse - hitting, spanking, shaking, slapping, unnecessary restraints
o Verbal abuse - degrading, threatening, cursing
o Sexual abuse - inappropriate touching, exposing oneself, sexually oriented conversations
o Mental abuse - shaming, humiliation, cruelty
o Neglect - withholding food, water, shelter
o. The Foundation will not tolerate any behavior that is classified under the definition of bullying, including the mistreatment or abuse of one youth by another youth, and will take steps needed to eliminate such behavior.
p. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional, is repeated over time, and/or involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying can take place in various forms, including:
o Physical bullying – when one person engages in physical force against another person, such as by hitting, punching, pushing, kicking, pinching, or restraining another.
o Verbal bullying - when someone uses their words to hurt another, such as by belittling or calling another hurtful names.
o Nonverbal or relational bullying – when one person manipulates a relationship or desired relationship to harm another person. This includes social exclusion, friendship manipulation, or gossip. This type of bullying also includes intimidating another person by using gestures.
o Cyberbullying – the intentional and overt act of aggression toward another person by way of any technological tool, such as email, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings (including blogs).
Cyberbullying can involve:
 Sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images;
 Posting sensitive, private information about another person;
 Pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad;
 Intentionally excluding someone from an online group;
 Hazing – an activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers that person regardless of that person’s willingness to participate.
 Sexualized bullying – when bullying involves behaviors that are sexual in nature. Examples of sexualized bullying behaviors include sexting, bullying that involves exposures or touching of private body parts, and verbal bullying involving sexualized language or innuendos.
Anyone who sees an act of bullying, and who then encourages it, is engaging in bullying. This policy applies to all youths, staff and volunteers.
q. All staff and volunteers must follow Foundation reporting requirements. Staff will be trained to be aware of and understand their legal and ethical obligation to recognize and report suspicions of mistreatment and abuse.
Staff and volunteers will:
o Be familiar with the symptoms of child abuse and neglect, including physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse;
o Know and follow organization policies and procedures that protect youths against abuse;
o Report incidents of suspected child abuse or neglect to Security;
o Mandated Reporters will report suspected child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities as required by Illinois Mandated Reporter laws;
o Follow up to ensure that appropriate action has been taken.
r. Staff and volunteers will report concerns or complaints about other staff and volunteers, other adults, or youths to Security.
s. Our organization cooperates fully with the authorities to investigate all cases of alleged abuse. Staff and volunteers shall cooperate to the fullest extent possible in any external investigation by outside authorities or internal investigation conducted by the organization or persons given investigative authority by the organization. Failure to cooperate fully may be grounds for termination or the revocation of volunteer privileges.
t. Individuals cannot be employed by or volunteer at Cantigny Golf if they have been convicted of youth abuse, indecency with a youth, or injury to a youth. Current employees accused of such crimes will be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the charges.

Employee and Volunteer Electronic Communication Policy

Any personal electronic communication between staff and youths, including the use of social networking websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, instant messaging, texting, etc. - is prohibited. All communication between staff and youths must be transparent.

Cell Phone Use:

o While assigned to work with youths, staff and volunteers are permitted to use personal electronic communication devices only during approved breaks, when programming assistance is required, and in emergency situations.
o Internet use, text messaging and/or emailing pictures while assigned to work with youths is strictly prohibited, except in cases of emergency, regardless of the type of device used and whether for business or personal reasons. Employees need to ensure that their friends and family members are aware of this policy.
o Use of personal electronic communication devices to contact (via voice, text, or pictures/video) our members and/or program participants for personal and/or inappropriate reasons shall be grounds for discipline up to and including termination of employment.